Design Features

Dr. Albert took a creative approach with his postcards. They were designed to feature local school events on calendars. The idea here was to make the postcard useful for prospects by giving them a comprehensive calendar of their kids’ upcoming events, so they kept the postcard around them and got even more exposure to what he was offering them.

Dental Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Albert Family Orthodontics, located in Trinity, FL, provides state-of-the-art orthodontic care for children and adults in a warm, friendly environment. Dr. Albert came to PostcardMania for help attracting new patients with a tailored dental marketing strategy.

The Solution

Dr. Albert and our marketing consultants came up with a creative approach to his postcards: They include a calendar that features local school events. This makes them useful for the recipients, so they keep the postcard for reference which gives Dr. Albert added exposure!

We provided him with a mailing list of families with children between the ages of 5 and 18 with an income of $40k or higher.

The Results

Every time we send out a mailing, we see an immediate response

With every mailing, Dr. Albert gets 5-10 new patient leads, but he says it only takes 2-3 for the postcard to pay for itself!

CSID: 3682