This postcard was very simple; because when you’re marketing dresses there isn’t much you need to say. You just need to show prospects your work to get them interested. Luna Luz simply featured three of their dresses (worn by models of course). Then, they put their company name in the bottom right corner.

Clothing/Apparel Case Study Video

The Situation

A dress company by the name of Luna Luz holds trade shows every few months. They wanted a consistent way to make sure they had a decent amount of traffic coming through to see their dresses. After all, no traffic = no sales. They thought direct mail could be a solution for them and consulted with our marketing team to learn more.

The Solution

When they heard how postcard mailing has delivered consistent results for our other clients, they decided they would try it out. Well, it worked and soon became a staple of their business. They now send out 2,300 cards to their trade show representatives, who mail them to quality prospects before each show. This way they know at least 2,300 buyers know where their trade show is and they can consistently rely on a great turnout from those buyers.

The Results

When we mail out the cards, we'll immediately get some orders in for whatever it is that we had on the card.

Check out what Michael Samuels, a partner at Luna Luz, has to say about the response they get to their postcard marketing… “When we mail out the cards, we’ll immediately get some orders in for whatever it is that we had on the card. So, soon after the card is sent out, it’s paid for itself. I know there have been a few shows where we’ve missed the mailing, and I could sense a difference in the traffic…Usually my partner and I will bicker over every little extra, ‰Ū÷Should we do this?’…‰Ū÷Should we do that?’…‰Ū÷This or that?’, but doing the postcards is sort of a given.” You can mark the fashion industry down as another industry that can win with postcard marketing.

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