This company used some time-tested marketing strategies for their annual summer sale postcard campaign. They showed a large image of a model wearing their clothing; they told prospects when the sale was; and they offered a discount to motivate them to take the next step. These are tactics that are proven to work, and they generated great results for Beau Brummel.
The Situation
Beau Brummel is a high-end European men’s clothing store featuring designer suits, ties, sportswear, shoes and accessories located in the SoHo district of Manhattan.
The Solution
Postcard Design: Printed 10,000 postcards promoting their annual summer sale. -A Straightforward Message -Compelling, Exclusive Offer -Clear Call to Action -Copy Creates a Sense of Urgency to Buy Mailing List: For this campaign, they sent to 25-60 year-olds located within 3 zip codes. Mailing Schedule: They mailed approximately 4,000-6,000 postcards twice to their list.
The Results
It's just as important to stay connected with your current customers, as it is to bring in new ones.
“We’ve hit our client base over the years [with postcards] and had good results. Now we’re looking to increase our mailers to stay in touch with our clients.” – Steve Krampf, Director of Beau Brummel