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Art Case Study Video

The Situation

Kristan Ryan is an artist in Athens, GA. She wanted to expand her business Kristan Ryan Art, LLC and get her artwork into galleries. She also wanted to find a way to print her art on quality cards in order for more people to see and purchase her artwork.

Originally, Kristan had tried printing her art on cards with another business, but their prices were too expensive. She needed an affordable solution to mass produce prints of her paintings, so she came to PostcardMania for assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania printed 3,000 4.25” x 6” postcards in December 2021, and they were mailed to Kristan so that she could sell them in the community. Kristan sold the postcards for $1 in front of the Athens Courthouse and other areas nearby.

The Results

PostcardMania is fast, reliable, and it helps me meet my art goals quickly!

“I’ve sold a lot of postcards!”

When Kristan received the cards, she was very impressed with the quality and happy with how they looked. People have also told her how impressed they are with the postcards.

Since Kristan spent $635 for 3,000 cards and sold each one for $1, she made a profit of $2,365!

Kristan made so much money from selling her art that she ordered 5,000 more postcards! She also says that more people approach her now about her artwork than before. Furthermore, Kristan is becoming better known throughout Georgia as a respected artist, and more people want to support what she is doing.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other artists.

CSID: 43989