The Situation

Girl Scouts of NY Penn Pathways is an official troop located in New York, headquartered in Cicero. They are constantly searching for ways to enlighten young girls on their amazing organization and help them develop into responsible young women. After they heard how PostcardMania’s marketing services helps small businesses around the country, they enlisted us to aid them in their mission.

The Solution

Girl Scouts of NY Penn Pathways collaborated with PostcardMania’s marketing experts to target young ladies in New York with an Everywhere Small Business campaign, combining direct mail postcards with matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

The successful card design includes:

  • A picture of a happy young girl coupled with a headline that together give the recipient confidence that this troop is a place they can send their child to have a new, fun experience.
  • Limited marketing copy that makes the card’s message instantly accessible.
  • Two different calls to action, one focused on closing on a membership and another to keep unsure the recipient’s attention, both working together to engage them.

The Results

4,761 unique calls, 166 this month alone!

Since 2016 when these ladies began mailing, they have received 4,761 unique calls in total! 166 calls were received this month alone!!

Are you interested in doing a similar bulk mail campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other youth organizations!

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