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The postcard featured a large image on the front, which showed one of Wholesale Fuels’ propane trucks. The headline and subheadings were a bright green color to make them jump out at recipients of the card. The headline read, “Looking for a new propane supplier?” The copy on the card focused on stressing the quality of their fuel and the benefits they offer to their clients.

The Situation

Wholesale Fuels is a fuel supplier in Bakersfield, CA. They wanted to reach out to their local community to get the word out about their fuel services. They consulted with our marketing staff to plan out their marketing strategy.

The Solution

Our marketing experts put together a marketing strategy to achieve the brand recognition and sales growth Wholesale Fuels was looking for. They chose an Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) mailing list comprised of 3,797 households. This type of list is made up of every address on certain mail carrier routes near Wholesale Fuel’s headquarters. They mailed the campaign 3 times to give them repeated exposure to their prospects.

The Results

Generated 92 customers, which brought in $9,813 in revenue in just one year!

From their postcard mailing, Wholesale Fuels received 92 responses. These respondents become recurring customers that will produce $9,813 in revenue annually. In one year, they will already make a good return on investment. Over the lifetime of their customers, the return on investment will be incredible! Campaign Cost: $1961 One Year ROI: 500% Lifetime Value ROI: ???%

CSID: 3914