The Situation

This behavioral therapy clinic, Mission Autism Clinics, was opening two new Pennsylvania locations and wanted to get the word out to local families about their autism programs. So they reached out to PostcardMania to utilize our bulk mail campaigns to achieve their goals.

The Solution

Our marketing experts recommended our Everywhere Small Business product, which allowed them to target local families with young children with postcards as well as matching digital ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram.

Their integrated campaign delivered results because:

  • The front of the card immediately makes a connection with the recipient, asking them if they need help with their autistic child.
  • They then clearly list their two new clinic locations to make their services as accessible as possible.
  • The back of the card explains their mission and what their therapy entails. They also included their program schedule and easily to find contact information.
  • With Mission Autism Clinics’ target audience receiving multiple exposure points to their business from both mailers and online ads, the influence of repetition is undeniable — they now have lots of leads before they even open!

The Results

20 new families!

They are about to open their two clinics and they already have 16-20 great leads from their campaign that they think will start right away! They felt their mailing list was spot on and are now well over their previous leads from other marketing!

Are you interested in doing a similar bulk mail campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental labs!

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