The Situation

Alexander’s Roofing is a roofing service provider that has served the San Antonio metropolitan area for 35 years. They had the desire to take advantage of the previous storm season (since hail is notorious for damaging roofing) so they enlisted PostcardMania’s marketing services to help them capitalize on the opportunity.

San Antonio is a major city nestled in south-central Texas, right along the Gulf Coast where storms tend to hit hard. This densely populated area combined with the passing season was a “perfect storm” for their roof inspection marketing campaign.

The Solution

Our design team has a trove of successful roof contractor campaigns from which they can draw inspiration. Many of those designs largely emphasize photos of homes with some sign of potential damage, a bold color scheme and an emphasis on seasonality. This design plays to those key elements.

Alexander’s Roofing postcard design includes several key features, such as:

  • A headline and subheading that reminds the recipient that the previous hail storm might have damaged their roof and they’re the right company to help with repairs.
  • Two free offers to have their roof inspected to appeal to those recipient’s that are curious as to the extent of possible storm damage.
  • Marketing copy that emphasizes that others in the immediate area have reported damage to their homes, which gives their claims of potential damage more credibility.
  • A bulleted list of their services’ benefits, adding more value to their offer.

Because Alexander’s Roofing is located in the busy city of San Antonio, and everyone in the area of the storm would be equally effected by the recent hail storms, an EDDM campaign in the heart of the storm would best fit their goals.

If you’re a B2C business located in a densely populated region that experiences fluctuations in business during certain seasons, EDDM campaigns are a perfect fit. In this case, every homeowner has a potentially damaged roof in this area, so there’s no need to do any additional targeting.

The Results

They spent $1,987.28 with postage included, and from the responses have made $50,000 for a 2,416% ROI!

So far, they have made over $50,000!

Alexander’s Roofing has received over 15 responses! 80% of those responses converted into sales, generating over $50,000!! They spent $1,987.28 with postage included for a 2,416% ROI!!! This number doesn’t even include the referrals their quality service will generate!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other roofing companies!

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