The postcard design features a prominent headline that immediately conveys the message and purpose of the card. The graphic of a beautiful home backs up that message and the “FREE Storm Damage Assessment” provides the motivation to call.

The Situation

Masters Roofing wanted to increase the revenue they generated from repair jobs. They consulted with our marketing consultants to figure out the most effective way to go about it using roofing company advertising.

The Solution

After working with their roofing marketing consultant, the client decided to go with an integrated roofer direct mail postcard and letter campaign. They purchased 2,500 postcards and mailed to around 200 homes per week, only targeting homes with visibly damaged roofs. Then, they followed up these roofing postcards with roofer direct mail letters.

The Results

When you combine a great postcard design with a great mailing list, your postcard marketing results can blow your mind.

In the month of June alone, the client received 10 calls per week off of this roofer advertising campaign. These calls turned into a whopping $164,000 in sales! Total Campaign Cost: $493 Revenue Generated: $164,000 Return on Investment: An incredible 33,266%!

CSID: 3902