This postcard was sent at Christmas-time so the colors (red, green and white) were chosen to match the season. Beneath their company logo their slogan read, “Uncommon Gifts and Home Accents.” The main section of the card promoted their Holiday Open House. They featured the dates of the open house prominently and placed an offer for the chance to win a custom centerpiece valued at $200 for those who bring the card in.

The Situation

The Scarlet Tassel wanted a marketing tool that could help them increase their web traffic and in-store sales during November, while reinforcing brand awareness for their company. They consulted with our marketing experts to see if postcards could make it happen.

The Solution

Printed 5,000 full color 6 x 8.5 postcards promoting specific in-store events from November 6th to November 8th, 2009. Mailing List: For this campaign, The Scarlet Tassel mailed to their customer base. Mailing Schedule: The campaign of 5,000 postcards was mailed one time to their customer list 12 days before the event date.

The Results

Retail gift stores can generate big revenue each holiday season by mailing postcards to their past customers.
  • 1.2% Response Rate with 168 postcards redeemed.
  • Average Sale from Each Postcard Customer: $60
  • Campaign Cost, Including Postage: $2370
  • Sales from Leads Generated: Approximately 168
  • ROI (Return on Investment): 425%
CSID: 3896