The Situation
Vanessa Mooney is a fashion retailer based in Los Angeles, CA. They sell vintage-style clothing and jewelry. Even though their products are sold in various stores around the country, a large portion of their sales are online. They wanted to improve their customer base and increase revenue, so they came to PostcardMania for assistance with their marketing strategy.
The Solution
To encourage repeat customers, PostcardMania designed a postcard that would be included in all online purchases so that when the recipient opened their package, they saw an offer for a discount on their next purchase on the front of the card.
The postcard included:
- Appealing photos of their products
- A discount of 15% off their next order through a shopping cart code
- Clear contact information
PostcardMania shipped 6,800 postcards to Vanessa Mooney so they could include them inside their packages.
The Results
They made $34,050 in sales!
About 227 people ordered more products, which totaled $34,050 in revenue! Since they only spent $1,651 on the cards, this store increased their ROI to 1,962%.
Vanessa Mooney has been ordering postcards with PostcardMania since 2021 and is looking forward to achieving even greater results in the future. These postcards went out in May of 2022, and they have already ordered 4,000 more.
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other retail companies.