The Situation
Boilery NYC is a seafood restaurant located in New York City, New York. They solicited PostcardMania’s marketing services in order to lure in new customers and increase revenue.
The Solution
Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting residents/occupants of Manhattan’s Upper West Side, featuring:
- Professionally developed graphics including an image of a delicious seafood boil
- Large font that attracts the eyes of the reader
- Multiple special-offers to entice potential customers
- A review from a satisfied patron
- Easy to read contact information accompanied by a call to action
Mailing List: A purchased list of residents/occupants living in the Upper West Side of Manhattan
Mailing Schedule: 5,000 6” x 8.5” postcards mailed simultaneously
The Results
Since their first mail drop Boilery NYC has noticed 3-5 new customers visiting the restaurant each day, all of which say they learned about the establishment via the postcard campaign. To date, around 100 people total have eaten at the restaurant as a result of the postcards!
Since their first mail drop Boilery NYC has noticed 3-5 new customers visiting the restaurant each day, all of which say they learned about the establishment via the postcard campaign. To date, about 100 people total have eaten at the restaurant as a result of the postcards and each customer has spent around $40! BNYC management expects to generate even more business from the campaign, suspecting that many people will come in closer to the expiration date of the special-offers.
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other restaurants!