The Situation

Neighborhood restaurant Foleys Backstreet Grille has amassed quite a loyal customer base over their 10 years in business. They called PostcardMania for help with a postcard campaign that would show appreciation for their customers and keep a steady revenue stream rolling in.

The Solution

With the help of our marketing consultants, the Foleys created a birthday postcard campaign that they would send out to existing customers.

Heres why the postcard is effective:

  • The postcard graphic a watercolor-type image of the restaurant is immediately recognizable to the recipient (an existing customer).
  • The birthday wish increases the recipients affinity for the restaurant.
  • Who could resist the offer of a FREE meal from a restaurant they already know and like?

The Foleys send out about 800 postcards each month to a list of customers who filled out a comment card at the restaurant that asked for their birthday. Over the years they have collected 10,000 records!

The Results

55% Response Rate!

The birthday postcard campaign is extremely successful for the neighborhood restaurant. The Foleys say its difficult to assess exactly how much revenue the postcards generate, but they definitely know they work: Our sales at the end of the month (the week leading up to the expiration of the offer) are always much stronger than the beginning of the month, they said. We also had a period of time once when the postcards were late going out in the mail, and boy did it affect our business!

Plus, when someone goes to a restaurant to celebrate their birthday, they usually bring more than one other person with them, which brings in even more revenue!

CSID: 3886