Espresso Cielo’s design focused on creating a visually aesthetic postcard to get prospective customers’ attention. They used the colors in the company’s logo as the color scheme. The colors were a light blue with a black and white background. The background also had a damask pattern in it to enhance the visual appeal even more. The headline read, “Specialty coffee is really good! It just tastes better!” They also placed a special offer right at the top of the card for a free coffee, tea or chocolate drink, which helped generate interest with recipients by adding a financial incentive to check out their coffee shop.

The Situation

Espresso Cielo is a great coffee shop with two locations in SoCal (Southern California). They wanted to get the word out about the great specialty coffees and teas they serve as well as the awesome ambience of their coffee shops, but didn’t know which marketing tool to choose. They consulted with our marketing experts and decided postcards were the best option for their marketing needs.

The Solution

They wanted to build their community brand awareness, so they focused on their local prospects. Just about anyone is a quality prospect for a great coffee shop, so they simply purchased a mailing list comprised of the closest 3,000 homes for each of their two locations. They mailed their strategically designed postcards to each list one time and let the postcards do the heavy lifting.

The Results

We generated 500 customers from our postcard marketing!

The postcards worked like a charm! Espresso Cielo had 500 people come in to redeem the special offer on their card!

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