The Situation

Bryan Webb is an experienced real estate broker who was looking to drum up more business, so he decided he would lean on his knowledge of Texas ranches to help people trying to sell theirs. He called PostcardMania for assistance with a results-generating campaign.

The Solution

With the help of their PostcardMania marketing consultant, they crafted a marketing campaign reaching out to ranch owners with an attention-grabbing postcard.

Heres why this postcard worked so well:

  • The bright red and yellow color scheme helps it stand out in the mail
  • This piece is huge a big 6×11 postcard really grabs your attention
  • Hard provable numbers recent ranch sales and how much they sold for tell prospects Bryan is an experienced seller
  • Trust elements (Bryans photo and a client testimonial) build credibility

Webb Real Estate provided a list of 995 records of people whose properties or ranches had been on the market for a while. To increase their response, they mailed to the list twice!

The Results

1,484.5% return on investment!

The real estate broker got 3-5 responses from his second mailing that generated $45,000 in income! The campaign cost was $3,031.41, which makes that a 1,484.5% return on his investment!

CSID: 3858