The Situation

Courtney with Courtney Buck Investments, LLC is a real estate investor located in Santa Rose Beach, FL. She needed to gain more clients interested in selling their land, so she came to PostcardMania for help with her marketing.

The Solution

PostcardMania helped Courtney plan a marketing campaign and print her letters. The letter communicated to the recipient that Courtney wanted to buy the prospect’s property for cash, and she offered a hassle-free process and full coverage of the closing costs.

She mailed a total of 4,226 letters in batches of about 1,426 pieces over the course of about 4 months. The mailing list she used was her own list of contacts who owned land in the area. She used the contact’s first names and addresses in the letters to make her message more personal. She also included her signature at the bottom of the letter to give it a more personal touch.

The Results

She generated 19 responses and $57,000 in revenue!

As a result, Courtney received 19 responses, converted all of them, and generated $57,000 in revenue. Since her upfront investment on this campaign was $3,357, her return on investment amounts to an impressive 1,598%!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other real estate investment professionals.


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