The Situation

FJC Real Estate is a property investor located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They were looking for a more personalized marketing avenue to reach landowners, so they came to PostcardMania for our marketing expertise.

The Solution

They decided on a direct mail marketing campaign that sent out both postcards and letters.  This is a unique approach, as most campaigns usually only use one kind of marketing mail piece.

FJC Real Estate’s LLC’s mailing pieces included:

  • A “handwritten” font that makes the postcard’s messaging feel more personal
  • A picture of the owner and their family that reinforces the personal design
  • On the letter design, a short blurb about what they do and the benefits of their service

A huge contributor to this campaign’s success was their selected mailing list. They provided lists of vacant landowners in Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma. These ensured their mailing list would be full of qualified prospects and more likely to be receptive of their message.

Another major factor for their success was the consistency of the mailings. They’re mailing out two to eight times a month. This consistent repetition of mailings over a widespread area ensured that many different landowners in their location would consider their offer, and after receiving their pieces several times, would remember the company.

The Results

They’ve resold 6 properties for $84,000 in revenue!

They’ve resold 6 properties for $84,000 in revenue!

So far, with the letters and postcards mailed out, FJC Real Estate has purchased 14 properties! 6 of those were resold, another 6 are still currently for sale and 2 of them will be kept. The ones sold generated them approximately $84,000. They still have about half of the campaign left to bring in more results as well.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other real estate investing businesses!

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