The Situation

The Patrick County Republican Committee is a right-wing political organization located in Stuart, Virginia. They solicited PostcardMania’s marketing services in order to persuade local voters to support their candidates in the upcoming election.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting registered voters in the two districts where the elections were held, featuring:

  • Professionally developed graphics including the committee logo and headshots of the candidates
  • Large font that attracts the eyes of the reader
  • Descriptions of the positions that each of the candidates are running for
  • Easy to read contact information accompanied by a call to action

Mailing List: A consumer list of registered voters in the two districts where the elections were held

Mailing Schedule: 3,000 4.25” x 6” postcards mailed simultaneously

The Results

This was the first time PCRC tried a direct mail campaign to gain traction with voters. Each of their candidates ended up winning their seats in landslide victories!

This was the first time PCRC tried a direct mail campaign to gain traction with voters. Each of their candidates ended up winning their seats in landslide victories! The Committee also utilized Facebook ads, billboards, and newspaper ads, but admitted that their direct mail campaign was their most successful investment.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other political organizations!

CSID: 30428