The Situation

Kellie Fox was a St. Charles Parish Justice Of The Peace candidate located in St. Rose, LA. She was looking for a creative way to let community members know about her candidacy so she contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

She went with a direct mail campaign that utilized beautiful and professional postcards. The postcard featured her professional headshot, a common item included in other political campaign postcards.

Kellie Fox’s postcard design included:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s message
  • A bulleted list of her qualifications for the positon
  • All of her social media handles so any curious voter can do their own research

Because Kellie Fox needed her message to reach voters, she needed to target community members. So, purchased a mailing list of nearby residents and had some additional cards shipped to herself to hand out personally!

The Results

She won the race!

She won her race!

CSID: 34842