The Situation

Downtown Pharmacy is a locally owned Jersey City pharmacy chain. They were looking for a creative way to let residents know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

They decided on a postcard campaign that blanketed nearby communities. Their postcard took a more creative approach and featured a cartoon image of a busy downtown.

Downtown Pharmacy’s postcard included:

  • A creative rendition of their downtown location
  • Several money-saving coupons for $5 and $10 off

The main goal of their campaign was to remind nearby customers of their existence, not bring in a wave of traffic into their store. For this reason, our marketing associates decided to use an Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) mailing list, which hit every house along a carrier’s route in neighborhoods around their business.

Doing this in combination with everlasting coupons that never expire helped ensure business would continuously trickle in for months. Even a year or more down the road, if someone comes across this postcard stashed in a drawer or hanging on the fridge, they may still consider taking their business to Downtown Pharmacy, coupons in hand.


The Results

5-10 new customers monthly!

5-10 new customers monthly! 

Downtown Pharmacy gets about 5-10 coupons brought in a month since their one-time mailing went out!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other pharmacies!

CSID: 37491