The Situation
Music Festivals and Tours is located in Reading, Pennsylvania and provides programs for students to travel the world and participate in music festivals. They solicited PostcardMania’s services in an effort to increase the number of applicants looking to participate in the 2021 New Year’s Day Parade in Rome, Italy.
The Solution
Design: A personalized letter targeting each contact on their mailing list that includes:
- Appealing graphics that showcase the Roman cityscape
- In-depth descriptions of the festivities and itinerary specifications
- Application instructions with clear contact information
- Persuasive rhetoric that highlights the joy and excitement to be had
Mailing List: Band, choir, and orchestra directors at the middle school and high school level in 30 states
Mailing Schedule: 9,295 letters mailed simultaneously
The Results
They receive 2 to 3 applications per day and notice a direct correlation between mail volume and increases in revenue!
Once they do a mail drop they notice an increase of 3,000 to 4,000 hits on their website each day. They also receive 2 to 3 applications per day and notice a direct correlation between mail volume and increases in revenue!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other music programs!