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The Situation

Founded in 2018, Yardzen is a landscape design company based in Sausalito, CA. They provide landscape design services to homeowners all over the country. Their turnkey solutions easily  allow families to implement the detailed designs they create.

With a team of world-class landscape architects and designers, horticulturalists, construction experts, technologists and company builders, they are able to bring homeowners’ dreams come to life. Since they have a remote team and draw up digital designs, they can serve anyone in any state.

They needed to find an affordable way to advertise their services to more homeowners in need of new outdoor spaces who could afford their designs.


The Solution

PostcardMania designed a postcard that included the following features:

  • A beautiful photo of an outdoor area to show what their company could do for them
  • A summer theme to peak the homeowner’s interest in designing their yard for the upcoming sunny months
  • A simple, but sleek, design that causes the recipient to feel like the business is tech-savvy and stylish

Yardzen chose to target homeowners with home values of $775,000 or more, living in the Austin, TX area.

PostcardMania mailed a total of 19,645 6” x 8.5” postcards over the course of 2 months in November and December of 2021.

The Results

They generated 9 new jobs from the postcards, generating $13,500 in revenue!

This campaign generated 9 new jobs for them, which amounted to $13,500 total! Since they spent $8,754 on this campaign, they made their initial investment back and more, totaling an ROI of 54%.

Yardzen was so impressed with the results that they ordered 109,344 more postcards. Today, they are growing in leaps and bounds and have been featured by Fast Company as one of their “Most Innovative Companies in 2022.” They have also received rave reviews from the New York Times and received awards from Houzz for Best of Houzz Service in 2021 and 2022.

They are looking forward to the next design jobs they will receive as a result of postcards!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for landscape design businesses.


CSID: 43855