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The Situation

Neils Lunceford, Inc. is one of the major landscape players in the Granby, Colorado area. They are proud to be the largest landscape contractor in their area and own the second largest nursery. However, they needed to get the word out that they also performed landscape maintenance services (such as lawn mowing and leaf raking) for both large projects AND small ones. One thing was clear; to spread the word they needed to use direct mail postcards from PostcardMania!

The Solution

Neils Lunceford, Inc. purchased a mailing list of 7,857 residents in the area and a second one of 811 absentee homeowners and real estate investors. Think about it. If youre spending the winter in sunny Florida, the last thing you want to worry about is mowing your lawn back in Colorado. So for landscapers, an absentee homeowners list has BIG profit potential.

They mailed their postcards to res/occ (resident/occupant) which allowed them to target EVERYONE in the area and receive a huge postage discount. The photograph on front of their postcard immediately conveys the quality of work homeowners can expect. Here is what worked for them:

– A large, attention grabbing image.

– A color selection that makes their contact information POP

– Three great offers (10 % and 25% off plus FREE consultation)

They sent one postcard to residents living in the area full time and two postcards to their second list (those they really want to grab) during the spring season.

The Results

Overall it was a very successful campaign and [we] will strongly consider performing again in the future

Overall it was a very successful campaign and [we] will strongly consider performing again in the future, said the owners of Neil Lunceford, Inc.

Very successful is quite the understatement. Neils Lunceford stated they are still expecting more responses, but have already generated over $50,000 in sales from their postcard campaign! Their return on investment (ROI) was an astounding 1,225%! Sometimes all you need is the spotlight to shine on you for just a little while to let everyone know youre there. In this case, that spotlight happened to be a winning postcard campaign! (Which is OFTEN the case in our experience!)

CSID: 3799