The Situation

Deering Tree Service, which focuses on outdoor specialty landscaping services, is located in, Maple City, Michigan. They were looking for a way to let businesses know about their wholesale mulch delivery in order to expand their business, so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

Since this campaign was mulch-focused, and businesses have a much greater need for it than homeowners, that’s where our postcard marketing experts recommended they focus their campaign.

Deering Tree Service’s postcard design includes:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s intent
  • Photos of their service in action
  • An offer to deliver the mulch for free

Another major reason for their success was the timing and consistency of their mailings. They started their campaign in February, right around the time when the snow begins to melt in Michigan and people start to see the bare, dead ground underneath.

They mailed out 1,000 cards monthly, continuing into the summer. The seasonality and consistency of these mailings ensured that when any businesses realized they needed a new batch of mulch put down on their property, they had a solid route to do so.

The Results

Several large accounts which bring in around $40,000-$500,000 each annually!

Several large accounts which bring in around $40,000-$500,000 each annually!

Deering Tree Service obtained a few large accounts from people receiving their postcards! These accounts will generate them anywhere from $40,000 – $500,000 a year!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other landscaping contractors!

CSID: 37026