The bold spring colors on this card are sure to grab attention. The copy clearly states the message of the business. Then, they wrap it up on the back with a great offer – 6-pack of plants – and give a crystal-clear call-to-action.

The Situation

Handy Stop Nursery is a plant nursery in Yoakum, Texas. For them, the goal of their campaign was to get more people in the door, whether it was new or return customers – simple as that. So, we worked with them to develop a campaign to make it happen.

The Solution

They purchased a mailing list with 4,500 records of homes with an income of $20,000 and above located in nearby zip codes. Then, they addressed the postcards to the female head of the household, thinking this would be their target market.

The Results

Find prospects you didn't even know existed. Then, turn them into customers and generate more revenue for your business.

Here are the results from the campaign, in the client’s own words: “We had a tremendous response to our mailing (so much that our expanded parking lot needs to be expanded again). Since the postcard had an extended time frame to purchase, I believe that we will be experiencing even more new customers through the spring gardening season.” Total Campaign Cost: $2463.77 Return on Investment: 1015% (Conservatively!)

CSID: 3792