The Situation
Terra Tree Works is a landscaping business located in Greenville, South Carolina. They were looking for an effective way to reach homeowners in their area, so they reached out to PostcardMania for help.
The Solution
With the assistance of our marketing consultants, they decided on a direct mail marketing campaign.
Terra Tree Works’ postcard design included a number of successful elements like:
• A clear, bold headline to capture attention.
• A graphic that visually tells the recipient what their company does.
• Two 5-star reviews from previous clients, which helps build social credibility.
To make sure their postcard would be delivered to individuals that would be in need of their services they purchased a targeted mailing list of homeowners with a median age of 30+ in their service area.
Another important factor in the success of this campaign was following “The Rule of Repetition.” They mailed 1,250 cards every two weeks for three months to the same list which built their credibility in the recipient.
The Results
About $35,000 generated for the company!
They had about 15-20 responses and converted about 10 of them into jobs! Each job averages about $3,500 in revenue, which would be approximately $35,000 generated for the company!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other landscaping business!