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The Situation

Blue Bell, PA is an affluent, historic suburb outside of Philadelphia. Known for its large executive-style mansions, many families have big properties in need of regular lawn care maintenance and landscaping design. Owner of Tonka Lawns & Landscape, Ryan Craven, needed a way to let homeowners know about his landscaping business and bring in new jobs.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a colorful and inviting postcard that included the following features:

  • A creative headline that focused on how their landscaping services are worth the investment
  • Photos of beautiful lawns to increase interest in landscape design
  • Offer for a free consultation and estimate

PostcardMania mailed out 2,500 6.25” x 8” postcards in February 2021 to all the homes in a specific area of Blue Bell, PA area. Ryan wanted to keep overhead costs low, so our marketing consultants worked with him to choose the best plan — Every Door Direct Mail (aka EDDM). This option offers one of the lowest postage rates, and we worked with him to fully saturate an entire area, which maximizes EDDM’s savings.

The Results

He got 3 new clients and made a total of $12,650!

Tonka Lawns & Landscape received 7 responses and converted 3 of them! One of the clients purchased a full landscaping design and installation, making him $8,000. The other 2 new clients purchased monthly mowing services. Over the course of 30 weeks, that generated $4,650. Combined, that equals a total of $12,650 from just one Every Door Direct Mail marketing campaign!

Since he spent $1,220, his ROI is an impressive 936%. That means he made about 12 times the amount of money he spent on one mailer. Since then, he has completed two more mailings and is looking forward to the results.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other landscapers.

CSID: 43477