The Situation

AgriLawn located in in Oklahoma City, OK wanted more home owners for their growing lawn care business. In order to make it happen, they called PostcardMania!

The Solution

Our marketing experts helped Agrilawn create a perfect direct mail campaign! They combined a lead-generating postcard with PostcardMania’s call tracking service.

Here’s why their postcards were a success:

  • A special offer – $19.95 for your first lawn application
  • Pictures that immediately tell the recipient that this postcard is all about – LAWN!
  • Bold and easy to read contact info

PostcardMania provided Agrilawn with a mailing list of 13,300 prospects in their area. They sent their lawn care postcard to these new home owners 3 times. Repetition was a huge key to success for this lawn care campaign

The Results

230 phone calls and 102 new customers!

Agrilawn generated 102 new customers from their postcard. They also received 230 phone calls and were able to track these with PostcardMania’s call tracking service! This made it much easier for Agrilawn to track their results from their marketing campaign.
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other lawn care companies!

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