The front of the postcard was designed with a Christmas theme. It featured mistletoe around a headline that said, “7th Annual Holiday Sale”. They also used a graphic of a candy cane and red and green font to further reinforce the theme. The big feature of the postcard was the offer, a 30%-60% sale on everything in stock from December 9th-11th.

The Situation

Mosiello Sons is a jewelry store in Ardsley, New York. They hold an annual holiday sale in early December. They wanted to use postcard marketing to attract local residents to their holiday sale, and consulted with our marketing experts to craft their marketing campaign.

The Solution

The holiday season in December is a great time to market, because prospects have shopping on their mind already. You just have to show them why they should choose your business. Mosiello Sons used a special holiday sale to attract their customers. They mailed their postcard just once to 5,500 residents one week before the sale.

The Results

Generated $8,000 in revenue from a $905 postcard campaign!

Mosiello Sons said 40% of their in-store traffic was due to the postcard. From this, they generated $8,000 in revenue. Their sale was a huge success!

Campaign Cost: $841.50

Postage: $1254

ROI: 381.8%

CSID: 3786