The Situation

UHC Broker located in Georgetown, PA wanted to spread the word about their new partnership with AARP and United Health’s Medicare plan. So, they called PostcardMania for help to create the best direct mail campaign for their business.

The Solution

Our marketing experts helped UHC broker create a variable letter to mail 2-3 times a month to prospects in their area.

Here’s why their letters were a huge hit:

  • Two statistics that create credibility with the recipient
  • A blue word bubble with all of the contact information
  • Three additional paragraphs that highlight why this plan is right of you.

The Results

22 calls and $22,100 in revenue!

After mailing 17,000 letters this campaign received 22 calls resulting into 22 customers. In relation to this, they have earned $22,100 in revenue so far!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other insurance brokers.

CSID: 26587