The Situation

TLC Insurance Group wanted to host a fun event a dinner with live music and dancing to introduce a new product to their clients. They called PostcardMania for help getting people interested in attending.

The Solution

Our marketing consultants created a postcard for the insurance group that would appeal to their prospects. Heres why it was effective:

  • Photos of people at a nice dinner and dancing immediately show recipients what they can expect at the event
  • A sub headline that leads into bulleted BENEFITS makes their postcard easy to read and tells the prospect whats in it for THEM
  • Their phone number and website are prominently displayed on the front and back, making it easy for people to contact them

TLC Insurance Group sent the postcard out to 3,000 of their existing clients and invited them to bring their friends. People are 12 times more likely to buy from a business of which theyre already a customer, according to a Marketing Metrics study. And Neilsen research shows consumers are 4 times more likely to buy from a business thats been referred by a friend.

We recommend sending out multiple mailings, but the insurance company got a great response from just one!

The Results

1,722.2% return on investment!

The postcard and the event were a huge success! TLC Insurance Group had 120 people attend the dinner, and those leads eventually generated $30,000 for their business! The campaign cost the insurance company $1,741.16, which means they got a 1,722% return on their investment!

CSID: 3770