The Situation

Germain Insurance Agency is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They solicited PostcardMania’s marketing services in order to lure in new clients and increase revenue.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting homeowners in the Minneapolis area that are organized by insurance expiration dates, featuring:

  • Professionally developed graphics including a company logo and an image of an insurance agent
  • Large font that attracts the eyes of the reader
  • A special offer to entice potential clients
  • Feedback from a satisfied customer
  • Easy to read contact information accompanied by a call to action

Mailing List: A list of homeowners in the Minneapolis area organized by insurance expiration dates

Mailing Schedule: 6,000 4.25” x 6” postcards mailed in bi-weekly, 600-count mail drops

The Results

GIA receives 3-6 calls per mail drop and converts over 50% those calls into sales!

GIA receives 3-6 calls per mail drop and converts over 50% those calls into sales! Officials from the company say that that the campaign has helped tremendously when it comes to establishing their target market.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other insurance agencies!

CSID: 30303