Stefany’s postcard had an engaging red background, which was contrasted by yellow copy. The headline read, “Are insurance premiums cutting into your monthly budget? Your credit score could lower your payment.” This message was reinforced by the image of a $100 bill being cut in two by a pair of scissors. The color scheme got prospects’ attention, while the combination of the image and the headline generated interest in what the rest of the card had to say.

The Situation

Stefany had been mailing letters to market herself, but felt that the process was too much work. She wanted to streamline her business promotion. She was a little bit nervous about using postcards, because when she received things like that in the mail, she would just throw them away. However, once she started seeing the results from her campaign, she was sold.

The Solution

Postcard Design: Stefany usually chooses a stock postcard design from our website, then writes the copy for the back of the card herself. She uses sample rates on the back of her cards to give the recipients an idea of how much they can save. Mailing Schedule: Two mailings of 2,000 postcards every month.

The Results

Attention: Your marketing postcards may make you very very busy. Thats kind of the point though, right?

Stefany hasnt tracked the campaigns response rate or her ROI, but she has learned not to do any other promotion the week that she does her postcard mailing because she will be too busy to attend to all the new callers.

CSID: 3781