The Situation

Daniel Lubs is an Allstate insurance agent that serves the communities of Indianapolis, Indiana. He wanted to locate more individuals in need of insurance assistance, so he contacted PostcardMania’s marketing experts to help him craft a marketing campaign that would help him locate some.

The Solution

A postcard marketing campaign that targets a list of potential customers in the surrounding area. The card includes:

  • A clever graphic that communicates to the recipient that he offers a “personal umbrella” of insurance options for all of their insurance needs.
  • A glowing 5-star review from a previous client that gives his knowledge surrounding insurance policy credibility.
  • Straight-to-the-point marketing copy that utilizes variable data and provides the recipient’s estimated total premium.

The Results

150 responses and $9,000 in revenue!

He has received over 150 responses! More than half of them converted into sales, generating roughly around $9,000!!

Are you interested in doing a similar bulk mail campaign for your business? Call us, and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other insurance providers!

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