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The postcard was simple from a design standpoint, because they had a lot of information to relay to their prospects. The headline read, “The ultimate in luxurious hearing!” Then, they laid out all the features their top-of-the-line hearing aids offer. They used an image of the company’s CEO in the bottom left, an image of two hearing aid users smiling in the top right and a close-up image of the hearing aids themselves in the bottom right. They also displayed a testimonial at the bottom of the card, so recipients could read about the hearing aids from someone who actually used them.

The Situation

Hearing Aid Academy sells top shelf hearing aids with all the latest technology. They had desirable products. They just needed to get the word out about them to attract new customers. They heard of postcard marketing’s reputation as a lead generator, so they consulted with our marketing experts to learn more about how postcards could help them grow their business.

The Solution

Their postcard campaign consisted of 5 separate postcard mailings of 1,000 postcards each. Their mailing list contained 5,000 prospective customers who were over the age of 60. By the end of the 5 mailings each prospect on the list had received their card. The demographic they chose to target was perfect, because typically people start to experience hearing loss after the age of 60. That made all their postcard recipients high quality prospects for their business.

The Results

We generated 12 responses and $9,000 in revenue from our postcard mailings!

Their postcards generated 12 responses. Those 12 responses generated Hearing Aid Academy $9,000 in revenue from hearing aid sales.

CSID: 3762