This postcard had a majestic purple background. It featured images of a wedding cake and a white limousine, then added After 5 Tuxedo as the third part of the trifecta every wedding needs. It was a creative, yet clear, way of presenting their marketing message, which was very engaging in its simplicity.

The Situation

After 5 Tuxedo’s plan for their postcard marketing was to use it to generate more traffic to their website and their physical store, while building and maintaining an upscale brand for their company. Our marketing consultant showed them how postcards could execute those plans effectively and they jumped onboard.

The Solution

John Loftus, owner of After Five, wanted to generate more qualified leads, and at thee same time, have his shop recognized by his target market as an upscale rental establishment. He had read in an industry magazine that many upscale formal wear stores use postcards for their marketing efforts. Why reinvent the wheel? John gets his design ideas from other mailers, posters and events that he comes across. He has tried a few different design ideas, ranging from stock tuxedo images and a map, to more artistic images and special offers. The cards have shown different levels of response, but the best performer was one with a classy photo on the front and descriptions about his company’s services on the back. After Five’s mailings go out every week, without fail, to lists of couples getting married. They build these lists themselves by attending wedding tradeshows.

The Results

Postcards don't just generate leads. They build your company's reputation in all facets using proven marketing strategies.

About 60% of the weddings After Five does are from their postcard mailings; they service around fifteen weddings per week at an average of $1,200 each. They have tried prom mailings, but the return on investment wasn’t as high, due to the fact that they only rent one tux as opposed to the multiple tuxes they will rent to a wedding party. Once they get someone into the store, the closing percentage is about 80%. After 5 is not located in a mall, so most of the people who come into the store are there because of their promotion, making them more serious buyers.

CSID: 3749