The design of the postcard was perfect for their targeted audience. It featured 4 images of people their age using the fitness equipment to improve their health, which helped prospective members visualize themselves getting fitter and healthier. The headline got their attention by focusing on an important issue for people at their stage of life: heart health. The headline read, “Today my heart will beat stronger.” Then at the bottom, they featured a discount of up to 25% off their membership costs to add a financial incentive.
The Situation
There’s a health and fitness center in Hampton, Virginia, called Sentara Center for Health & Fitness. It’s a medically integrated health center, so they have a lot of resources to offer their members. Despite their great health services and fitness facilities, their membership wasn’t where they wanted it to be. They consulted with our marketing experts to learn about the different marketing options that could help them bring in new members.
The Solution
After discussing their business goals with our marketing staff, we came up with a postcard campaign that targeted exactly the kinds of prospects that are in need of their services and ready to join. They targeted prospects between the ages of 40 and 70 who made an income of over $75,000 a year. The postcard design focused on helping people who are middle aged keep themselves healthy, so they can enjoy a full, vigorous and long life. This is the age range that is thinking about those issues, so this card’s message will hit home with them. They also add the financial benefit of an exclusive discount for the people who got a postcard.
The Results
We've generated $9,600 in revenue from our postcard campaigns!
The results were great for Sentara! They told us they brought in 2 or 3 new members from each mailing; and they’ve generated a total of $9,600 in revenue from these new memberships! It’s a great payoff from what they invested in purchasing the campaign. When you target the right prospects, and communicate a relevant message to them, postcard marketing is an effective and dependable way to grow your small business.