The Situation

This Kansas law firm was using ads in their local newspaper in order to reach their ideal prospects. They knew they needed to change things up in order to increase the number of attendees at their seminars, so they called PostcardMania for help!

The Solution

Our marketing experts came up with a results-driven postcard campaign for this law firm. Together we came up with a plan to send out a postcard for each of their 5 seminars in order to increase the attendees and in return their revenue!

Here’s why their postcards were a success:

  • The amazing offer – FREE consultation
  • Bold and easy to read contact info with the date and time of the seminar
  • 5 easy steps that can help anyone protect their assets

PostcardMania provided this Kansas law firm with a multiple mailing lists for each location of the 5 different seminars. These lists included 2,000 homeowners or more with an age range of 60 years old and older.

The Results

Business increased by 50%

After mailing 33,500 postcards to homeowners in their area, they had over 60 attendees to 5 seminars. In addition, they secured 21 trusts. This boosted their business by a whopping 50%!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other financial services!

CSID: 26544