The Situation

Inverse Investments in Austin, Texas wanted to generate more sales and revenue for their company, as well as spread the word about new deals available for investors. When they heard about the results other financial service companies were generating from direct mail, they decided to call PostcardMania and start their own direct mail marketing campaign.

The Solution

Inverse Investments worked with their PostcardMania marketing consultant to come up with a personalized marketing campaign specifically for their needs. For the design, we wanted to focus on one of the most important aspects of a postcard design that the message is clear and attention grabbing. Here are the key elements of their design:

  • An image that prospects can identify with (they are located in New York, NY)
  • A short paragraph that doesnt lose the reader and explains their company
  • Contact information that makes it easy for a prospect to learn more right away

For the mailing, Inverse Investments provided us with a list of people in their database who were investors or self directed IRA investors. Not only did they mail to that list, they also handed out many of these cards directly to prospects.

The Results

The income is well over $200K for us.

We use our postcards as handouts and mailers… on the mailers, I get around a 10% response rate and on the handouts we get over a 25% sign up rate. The income is well over $200K for us.


ROI: 17,969.5%

CSID: 3744