This postcard’s design was a perfect example of an image reinforcing the marketing message of the postcard. The image featured on the left side of the card was stalks of wheat blowing in the wind. The headline read, “Leasing equipment…REAP the benefits. Reap the tax benefits when leasing.” They are imploring their postcard recipients to reap tax benefits just like a farmer reaps his wheat harvest. On the right side, they explain how their prospects could reap the tax rewards for leasing equipment. At the bottom, they feature all the contact information a prospect could need to get in touch with them. It’s a simple yet effective design to promote a very specific service.

The Situation

This company wanted to boost their sales in one particular area. They arrange financing solutions to those who purchase equipment, and wanted to sell more services for leasing equipment, as opposed to buying it. They consulted with our marketing experts to find out the best way to promote such a specific part of their business.

The Solution

Our marketing team designed a campaign that included 6,000 postcards. The company mailed 4,500 of those postcards and saved 1,500 for future marketing efforts. They used an in-house mailing list, which was comprised of their current customers and the leads they had generated themselves. They send out a specific campaign like this 5-6 times a year, usually mailing once every other month.

The Results

We generated 15-18 new clients and $22,500-$27,000 in revenue from our postcard marketing!

The results are consistently great using this strategy. From this particular mailing, they generated about 15-18 new clients. Each new client generates about $1,500 for their business, so those new clients created a huge return on investment for their company!

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