The Situation

Craft Electric Company is an electrical services business located in Birmingham, Alabama. They solicited PostcardMania’s marketing services in order to lure in new clients and increase revenue.

The Solution

Design: A postcard marketing campaign targeting businesses in the Birmingham area with properties of 5,000 sq. feet or more, featuring:

  • Professionally developed graphics including a company logo and an image of an electrical worker
  • Large font that attracts the eyes of the reader
  • A limited-time special offer to entice potential customers
  • Easy to read contact information accompanied by a call to action

Mailing List: Businesses in the Birmingham area with properties of 5,000 sq. feet or more

Mailing Schedule: 3,000 6” x 8.5” postcards mailed in three 1,000 count mail drops

The Results

Craft Electric received around 20 phone inquiries and converted about 10 of those into customers, generating more than $10,000 in revenue!

Craft Electric received around 20 phone inquiries and converted about 10 of those into customers, generating more than $10,000 in revenue! CEC expects these new clients to return for future business which will lead to 10’s of thousands of dollars in sales increases.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other electrical services organizations!

CSID: 30305