The Situation

Sunlife Energy is a solar panel installation business located in Oroville, CA. They wanted to capitalize on California’s Renewable Energy Law SB-100 and contacted PostcardMania for marketing advice.

The Solution

They decided on a postcard marketing campaign that used a notice-like design. This simple formatting has been proven in previous campaigns to generate a lot of initial interest.

Sunlife Energy’s postcard design included:

  • A no-frills design that echoes the importance of official government communications
  • A date by which the recipient needs to be at a certain level of energy efficiency, creating urgency
  • Facts about an upcoming change to California’s energy laws that affects homeowners

Because Sunlife Energy sells energy services, anyone could benefit from their them. So, they used a widespread mailing list of residents in their town.

Their mailing schedule also helped create traction for their message. They sent out 2,150 cards weekly for 5 weeks starting at the end of November to the same residences. The timing and weekly consistency so close to California’s new energy law being enacted (December 31) helped create the urgency they were looking for.

The Results

120 appointments and $45,000 in income!

120 appointments and $45,000 in income!

Sunlife Energy landed 120 appointments from the campaign. So far, 4 sales were made, generating about $45,000! They only spent $4,081.34 on the campaign, resulting in a 1,002% Return on their Investment (ROI).

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other energy providers!

CSID: 36697