The Situation

Pickaboo Daycare Corp. is a childcare business in New York City. They called PostcardMania for help getting the word out to families in their area that they are a reliable and affordable childcare option.

The Solution

Their marketing consultant, who had already overseen more than 2,100 small-business marketing campaigns, knew that direct mail postcards are a cost-effective tool for childcare companies.

Together, they came up with a results-generating postcard campaign geared toward their target audience. Heres why it worked:

  • The big, bold headline tells recipients exactly what is being offered: Reliable, affordable childcare!
  • The color scheme and graphics reinforce this message
  • A sub headline that leads into text on the back is super easy to read
  • The bulleted points tell prospects how THEY will benefit from using their services

Pickaboo Daycare sent five separate mailings of 1,000 postcards over the course of several months.

Though we recommend mailing to the same recipients multiple times, the childcare provider sent their postcard to each prospect just once and saw great results!

The Results

2,870% return on investment!

After each mailing of 1,000 cards, Pickaboo Daycare received about 45 calls, converting 9 of those leads into customers! The annual revenue from those new customers adds up to $80,370 a 2,870% return on investment!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other daycare centers!

CSID: 3717