The Situation

Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy is a non-traditional education solution provider located in Guernsey, Wyoming. They were looking for a creative way to let parents know about their services so they contacted PostcardMania for ideas.

The Solution

They decided on a direct mail marketing campaign bundled with Google, Instagram and Facebook advertising in our Everywhere Small Business package. You can see those advertisements above. As you’ll notice, these ads are all coordinated — that’s to ensure your ads are maximizing the impact they have on prospects and actually overcome the ad blindness that so many consumers have built up. (We see millions of ads every day and our subconscious is getting really good at blocking them!)

Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy’s postcard included:

  • A headline that immediately communicates the card’s message
  • An enrollment deadline date that creates urgency in the recipient
  • On the back, a bulleted list of their eligibility requirements for enrollment

This campaign found success using a targeted mailing list used in tandem with online advertising. Their mailing list targeted consumer homes with children in the age range 16-18, ensuring every recipient was qualified for the academy’s message.

The Results

200% increase in online enrollment!

200% increase in online enrollment!

Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy generated 3 new enrollments from the postcards itself, but also noticed a 200% increase in their online enrollment!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other educational facilities!

CSID: 38397