The client had 6 postcard designs that they used in their campaign, but the key to them all, as you can see in the one pictured here, was that they featured industry-specific, attention-grabbing images and an offer right on the front of the card. We have found that prominently displaying an offer is very important to successful dental campaigns.

The Situation

Jason Lembach wanted an affordable, dependable marketing plan that would generate new leads and patients on a monthly basis.

The Solution

After working with their marketing consultant, the client decided to go with a targeted direct mail postcard campaign.

They purchased two mailing lists, one of married couples in their area who had a combined income of over $50,000 per year and were in the 2855 age range and one of individuals in their area who made over $50,000 per year and were in the 2855 age range.

From September to February, they mailed 3,000 cards per month. After that, they increased their mailings to 6,000 per month.

The Results

With dental postcard marketing, you have to keep in mind the lifetime value of each new patient your postcards bring in.

Here are the results of the marketing plan, in the clients own words: I would say we are getting around 20 new patients a month from the mailings, sometimes a little more and sometimes less I think it is reasonable to say each patient is probably worth $500$750 when you average it all out. That being said, one of the things I am most happy about is that these new patients have been referring family and friends to the office. I think the bigger financial impact will come after they have been patients for a while.

CSID: 3688