The Situation

Western Towers is a construction company located in San Angelo, TX. They needed a way to let potential leads know about the tower inspection and maintenance services they offer, so they came to PostcardMania for their marketing needs.

The Solution

Their 6 x 8.5 inch postcard included the following features:

  • A large, bold headline in a bright red color on the front of the card which immediately lets recipients know what the postcard is about
  • An explanation of services on the back of the card so prospects know exactly what they have to offer
  • A list of contact information in a contrasting color so that it stands out to readers’ eyes

Western Towers ordered 5,000 postcards and PostcardMania shipped them directly to them for local distribution.

The Results

They generated $20,000 in revenue!

As a result of distributing the postcards, Western Towers received 5 responses, converted 2 of them and generated $20,000 in revenue!

Western Towers has been a PostcardMania client since July 2022, and since this campaign, they have ordered another 6,000 postcards.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for construction companies.

CSID: 49276