The postcard was designed to push the buttons we knew would trigger a response in prospects: overcoming the bad economy and fulfilling the prospects’ need for home phone service. The image they used reinforced this message by showing someone throwing money in the air. This represented the extra money prospects would have if they chose to Affordable Phone’s free phone service.

The Situation

Affordable Phone is a telecom business that provides phone service to low income families through the Lifeline and Link-Up programs offered by the federal government. They needed to get their message out to a very specific audience in a way that would yield a good response rate. So, we teamed up to help them discover the best way to do that.

The Solution

After working with their marketing consultant, Sabrina, Affordable Phone decided to give a postcard campaign a shot. They ordered 6,000 cards and had them shipped to their office. Encouraged by the initial results from this campaign, they decided to lay it all on the line. They ordered 100,000 postcards from PostcardMania and 100,000 postcards from one of our competitors, who gave them a lower quote. PostcardMania’s mailing was sent to a very specific mailing list of households that made less than $20,000 per year.

The Results

It's not just the postcards that get results. It's the direct mail marketing strategies we've learned over 20 successful years in the industry.

The results from the two campaigns weren’t even close. The cards ordered through PostcardMania got the phones ringing off the hook, before the competitor’s cards were even printed. By the end of both campaigns, the cards mailed by PostcardMania produced $63,000 of revenue for Affordable Phone, while the competitor’s campaign never became profitable, totaling $13,000 in losses. Needless to say, Affordable Phone decided to stay with PostcardMania for their postcard campaigns, and they continuously increased the number of cards in their mailings. After two years they went from 100,000 to 300,000 to 500,000, all the way up to 1.4 million postcards per month! Their company grew from 5 employees at the beginning of their postcard campaigns to the 200+ employees they have today. They purchased a new building and even built their own in-house call center to handle the volume of calls they received. They are now a leader in their industry.

CSID: 3647