The postcard layout was simple, because New Yorkers are a busy bunch. On the front, it laid out their most popular services with their prices and pictures to illustrate. On the back they featured 3 positive Yelp reviews with a few more pictures from inside their spa.

The Situation

Relax N Glow is a spa in “The Big Apple” – New York City. In a busy, competitive market like that you really need to use effective marketing techniques to get your prospects’ attention. They consulted with our marketing experts to find out what their best marketing option would be to grow their spa business in the city that never sleeps.

The Solution

Our marketing experts suggested a targeted postcard marketing campaign that could focus on the right prospects for their business. Especially in competitive markets, you need to get your marketing to people who are likely to already be interested in what you offer. Then, you use your postcards to build credibility with them, so they’ll choose you instead of your competitors. In this case, Relax N Glow settled on a mailing list of 6,000 prospects. They mailed postcards to 2,000 of them every 2 weeks. The mailing list was made up of prospects who lived close to the spa, were around 35 years old and made an income of over $75,000.

The Results

We are continually bringing in new clients from our postcard mailings!

The campaign worked exactly as planned! Targeting the right prospects led to consistent lead generation from their postcards. The Relax N Glow spa loves the constant stream of new clients they are bringing in, and have made postcard marketing a fixture in their business strategy. Postcard marketing works in any market for any business.

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