The Situation

Beeswax Beauty Bar is a wax studio and Skincare Boutique in Orange County, California. They contacted PostcardMania to aid in their beauty service marketing to prospective clients in their area!

The Solution

With help from our marking consultants, Beeswax Beauty Bar created a beautiful and effective beauty service postcard!

Here is why it worked:

  • Three esthetic images that capture the reader’s attention!
  • Contact information in bold, red font!
  • Headlines that immediately tell what is being advertised: Beauty!

Beeswax Beauty Bar purchased a mailing list of prospective clients in their area that met the specific, desired criteria for this postcard campaign. Mailing your postcards to the correct recipient is a HUGE part in ensuing results!

Mailing List

Purchased a mailing list of 1,000 prospects in their area between the ages of 30-45 years old and with an income of at least 25k annually.

The Results

Mailed only 2,000 postcards and received 28 phone calls.

Beeswax Beauty Bar received calls from 28 prospestive clients after mailing only 2,000 postcards.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business?
Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other beauty services!

CSID: 20064