The Situation

King Range, Inc. sells appliances through real estate management offices in Bronx, NY. They wanted to increase the number of clients they were bringing in and their revenue, so they contacted PostcardMania’s marketing team for help!

The Solution

A postcard marketing campaign that targets real estate management offices in a 5-10-mile radius around their office.


The card includes:

  • And exclusive offer of a FREE delivery that normally costs $399!
  • Professionally designed graphics and formatting, making the card easily readable and attractive to the eye.
  • Examples of exact units’ specs so the recipient knows exactly how big some of these appliances are

Mailing List: Real estate management offices in a 5-10-mile radius of their office.

Mailing Schedule: 2,000 6” x 8.5” postcards mailed so far, with 4000 more ordered and ready to mail.

The Results

We receive 3-4 customers each time we mail our postcard!

King Range, Inc. said that they receive 3-4 new customers each time they mail their postcard campaign to their targeted mailing list! This may not seem like a lot but with each new customer paying a few thousand dollars for their appliances it is exactly what they need in order to expand their business!!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other appliance companies!

CSID: 31179